Bouquet of Lavender
The Bouquet of Lavender includes twelve (12) stems of lavender packaged in recyclable or second-hand wrapping. Packaging varies but usually includes brown paper. A spritzer of Lavender essential oil (appro. 10 oz) is provided to scent your lavender to your preference.
All products and packaging are made locally (USA/Puerto Rico) by Ginette Mendez Fernandez using second-hand and recycled materials sourced from thrift art suppliers, such as Resource Exchange, Propagate Studio, and Make & Mend. This makes every flower a unique, limited offering, as colors and materials are sourced based on availability.
The Bouquet of Lavender includes twelve (12) stems of lavender packaged in recyclable or second-hand wrapping. Packaging varies but usually includes brown paper. A spritzer of Lavender essential oil (appro. 10 oz) is provided to scent your lavender to your preference.
All products and packaging are made locally (USA/Puerto Rico) by Ginette Mendez Fernandez using second-hand and recycled materials sourced from thrift art suppliers, such as Resource Exchange, Propagate Studio, and Make & Mend. This makes every flower a unique, limited offering, as colors and materials are sourced based on availability.
The Bouquet of Lavender includes twelve (12) stems of lavender packaged in recyclable or second-hand wrapping. Packaging varies but usually includes brown paper. A spritzer of Lavender essential oil (appro. 10 oz) is provided to scent your lavender to your preference.
All products and packaging are made locally (USA/Puerto Rico) by Ginette Mendez Fernandez using second-hand and recycled materials sourced from thrift art suppliers, such as Resource Exchange, Propagate Studio, and Make & Mend. This makes every flower a unique, limited offering, as colors and materials are sourced based on availability.
Additional Sprizters of lavender are sold separately.