Bouquet of Lavender
The Bouquet of Lavender includes twelve (12) stems of lavender packaged with a spritzer of lavender essential oil. Spritzer is to scent your lavender to your preference.
Bouquet of Lavender $199
Bundle of Lavender
The Bundle of Lavender includes four (4) stems of lavender packaged with a spritzer of lavender essential oil. Spritzer is to scent your lavender to your preference.
Bundle of Lavender $75
Stems of Lavender
A Stem of Lavender includes one (1) stem of lavender.
Stem of Lavender $21

Add scent to your floral decor with our essential oil spritzers.
Floral Decor that doesn’t Wilt
Bloomin’ Fibers’ floral decor is a handmade and sustainable alternative to live flowers; emulated through color, texture, and smell that lasts longer and doesn’t wilt.